JUV RTMP Tester Developer Guide

Version: 1.1

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Getting Started
3. Architecture
4. Using JUV RTMP Tester for testing server-side logic/performance
5. FAQ
6. Support

List of Examples

4.1. Set license key
4.2. Simplest script (just connects to the server)
4.3. Script that connects to the server using connection parameters
4.4. Script that plays stream and disconnects on playback stop
4.5. Script that publishes stream and disconnects on publish stop
4.6. Script that connects to the remote shared object
4.7. RtmpTester executes ConnectSharedObjectScript script
4.8. Get bandwidth used by script as a function of time

Chapter 1. Introduction

JUV RTMP Tester is a lightweight library/tool that lets you execute functional/regression/load testing of the RTMP server side functionality.

JUV RTMP Client - J2SE RTMP client
JUV RTMP Client (J2ME edition) - J2ME RTMP client
JUV RTMP Researcher - RTMP debug tool

Chapter 2. Getting Started

JUV RTMP Tester library consists of the only JAR file (no dependencies) that should be placed in the class path.

Library requires a license key. If it is not set or invalid then it operates in evaluation (lite) mode.
Evaluation version has next limitations:

  • only "localhost" connection is allowed
  • only one client script executed at a time
  • client session duration is limited to 1 minute
You need to buy license key to remove evaluation mode limitations.

Chapter 3. Architecture

There are 2 core entities (classes) provided by the library.

  • com.smaxe.app.uv.agent.RtmpClientScript - implements client side logic.
  • com.smaxe.app.uv.loadtester.RtmpTester - responsible for executing client scripts (RtmpClientScript subclasses instances).
There are also classes inherited from the JUV RTMP Client library:


Every method invoked by the server is processed by the IMethodInvoker instance. The default implementation (com.smaxe.uv.invoker.support.MethodInvoker) is based on reflection.

public interface IMethodInvoker
     * Invokes method with the args of the object o.
     * The result is returned through the {@link ICallback callback}.
     * @param o object which method is invoked
     * @param method method to invoke
     * @param callback callback to receive invocation result
     * @param args method arguments
    public void invoke(final Object o, final String method, final ICallback callback, final Object... args);


Every custom Java object that is sent/received to/from the server must be presented as ClassObject, i.e. class name + {property : property value} map. The IObjectCreator implementation is responsible for the such transformation.

public interface IObjectCreator
     * Converts {@link ClassObject co} to the custom type object.
     * @param co ClassObject instance
     * @return custom object
    public Object toObject(final ClassObject co);
     * Converts {@link Object o} to the {@link ClassObject} instance.
     * @param o object to represent as ClassObject
     * @return ClassObject instance
    public ClassObject toClassObject(final Object o);


The library doesn't use any specific logging system. It provides a simple interface that lets you either integrate the library with any logging library or use ILogger implementations provided in the com.smaxe.logger.support package.

public interface ILogger
     * Logs the message.
     * @param level message level
     * @param message message to log
     * @param t thrown exception, null if the exception is not thrown
     * @param args optional arguments
    public void log(final int level, final String message, final Throwable t, final Object... args);

Chapter 4. Using JUV RTMP Tester for testing server-side logic/performance

Example 4.1. Set license key

Tool requires a license key. If it is not set or invalid then it operates in evaluation (lite) mode.
Evaluation version has next limitations:
  • only "localhost" connection is allowed
  • only one client script executed at a time
  • client session duration is limited to 1 minute

Lets start with script samples.
The simplest script that just connects to the server looks like:

Example 4.2. Simplest script (just connects to the server)

 * SimpleScript
 * Behaviour:
 *  - Client just connects to the server.
public final class SimpleScript extends RtmpClientScript
     * Constructor.
    public SimpleScript()

Example 4.3. Script that connects to the server using connection parameters

 * SimpleScript2
 * Behaviour:
 *  - Client connects to the server using connection parameters.
public final class SimpleScript2 extends RtmpClientScript
     * Constructor.
    public SimpleScript2()
    public Object[] onStart()
        return new Object[] {"username", "password", "age"}

Example 4.4. Script that plays stream and disconnects on playback stop

 * PlayStreamScript
 * Behaviour:
 *  - Client connects to the server and starts stream playback on successfull connection
 * (stream name is defined in the "streamToPlay" property)
 *  - Client disconnects from the server after stream playback is stopped/completed.
public final class PlayStreamScript extends RtmpClientScript
     * Constructor.
    public PlayStreamScript()
    public void onConnect(final String code, final Map info)
        super.onConnect(code, info);
        play((String) properties().get("streamToPlay"));
    public void onPlayStop(final String stream, final MediaStreamInfo info)
        super.onPlayStop(stream, info);

Example 4.5. Script that publishes stream and disconnects on publish stop

 * PublishStreamScript
 * Behaviour:
 *  - Client connects to the server and publishes stream on successfull connection
 * (stream name is defined in the "streamToPublish" property, stream source is a local flv file).
 *  - Client disconnects from the server after stream publish is stopped/completed.
public final class PublishStreamScript extends RtmpClientScript
     * Constructor.
    public PublishStreamScript()
    public void onConnect(final String code, final Map info)
        super.onConnect(code, info);
        publish((String) properties().get("streamToPublish") + "_" + getClientId(),
                -1, PUBLISH_MODE_LIVE);
    public void onPublishStop(final String stream)

Example 4.6. Script that connects to the remote shared object

 * ConnectSharedObjectScript
 * Behaviour:
 *  - Client connects to the server and connects to shared object "test"
 *  - Client sets "attribute" value to 1 on shared object connection.
 *  - Client increments "attribute" value by 1 on every "attribute" value update and
 * disconnects if value exceeds 15.
public final class ConnectSharedObjectScript extends RtmpClientScript
     * Constructor.
    public ConnectSharedObjectScript()
    public void onConnect(final String code, final Map info)
        super.onConnect(code, info);
    public void onSharedObjectConnect(final String name)
        getSharedObjectData(name).put("attribute", 1 /*value*/);
    public void onSharedObjectChange(final String name,
            final String attribute, final Object oldValue, final Object newValue)
        super.onSharedObjectChange(name, attribute, oldValue, newValue);
        if ("test".equals(name))
            if ("attribute".equals(attribute))
                getSharedObjectData(name).put(attribute, ((Integer) newValue).intValue() + 1);
                if ((Integer) getSharedObjectData(name).get(attribute) > 15)
                if ((Integer) getSharedObjectData(name).get(attribute) > 10)
                    sendSharedObjectAction(name, "notifyEveryone", new Object[] {"Attribute value exceeded 10!"});
    public void onSharedObjectDisconnect(final String name)

com.smaxe.app.uv.loadtester.RtmpTester class is responsible for client script execution.

Example 4.7. RtmpTester executes ConnectSharedObjectScript script

RtmpTester tester = new RtmpTester();

// note: set license key before tester.emulateClient(*) invocation

tester.emulateClient("rtmp://localhost/live", new RtmpClientInfo(ConnectSharedObjectScript.class.getCanonicalName), null /*callback*/);

RtmpTester.emulateClient() parameters are:
  • url - url to connect
  • info - RtmpClientInfo instance that provides tester with client info: script to use, encoding, session time, properties, etc
  • callback - RtmpTester.ICallback instance that notifies about client connection/disconnection

Example 4.8. Get bandwidth used by script as a function of time

public final class RtmpTesterCallback extends Object implements RtmpTester.ICallback
     * Constructor.
    public RtmpTesterCallback()
     * Notifies about disconnection from the server.
     * You can use {@link RtmpTester.IClientSessionInfoProvider provider}
     * to get session details.
    public void onDisconnect(final RtmpTester.IClientSessionInfoProvider provider)
        System.out.println("RtmpTesterCallback#onDisconnect: " + provider.id());
        // NOTE:
        // RtmpTester can provide you with Bandwidth as a function of time
        for (Map entry : provider.getEntities(RtmpTester.IClientSessionInfoProvider.BANDWIDTH, null /*selector*/))
            // bandwidth entry represents a map (field name -> value)
            // for example,
            // {stimestamp=1297, readBytes=87237, writtenBytes=3420, readPackets=221, writtenPackets=5}
            // where stimestamp is session timestamp

Chapter 5. FAQ

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